April 2022

The Stone Mirror, Istanbul, Turkey

The Stone Mirror, Istanbul, TurkeyThe Stone Mirror, Istanbul, Turkey

Grocery Store, Thailand

Grocery Store, ThailandGrocery Store, Thailand

Arched Entry, Dordogne, France

Arched Entry, Dordogne, FranceArched Entry, Dordogne, France

Rosedale, North Yorkshire, England

Rosedale, North Yorkshire, England Rosedale, North Yorkshire, England

Backyard Swimming Pool, Portland, Maine

Backyard Swimming Pool, Portland, MaineBackyard Swimming Pool, Portland, Maine

Winter’s Day, Paris, France

Winter’s Day, Paris, FranceWinter’s Day, Paris, France

Wisteria, Twickenham, England

Wisteria, Twickenham, EnglandWisteria, Twickenham, England

Down to the Sea, Santorini, Greece

Down to the Sea, Santorini, GreeceDown to the Sea, Santorini, Greece

Sunset Alley, Provence, France

Sunset Alley, Provence, FranceSunset Alley, Provence, France

Old Town, Edinburgh, Scotland

Old Town, Edinburgh, Scotland Old Town, Edinburgh, Scotland

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